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Little things make all the difference.


Honeybees have some of the same needs as people:  clean, fresh air, pure food and water, and time to rest and take care of themselves and their homes.  When we make our environment healthy, it makes it healthy for the bees too.  Seeing healthy, happy bees is a sign that the environment is healthy and happy too.

Here are some things you can do to be a friend to the Bees.  At the same time, you'll be helping to grow a vibrant local economy, and preserve the environment for your lifetime and generations to come. 

1.  Plant flowers and plants that bees like to feed on.  Wherever you are, there are probably honeybees living nearby.  There are lots of native plants they can feed on.  Especially in seasons when there isn't much else in bloom, it makes a big difference if the bees can find food close to where they live.  They can spend the extra energy taking care of their hive and their health, instead of flying miles looking for food.

2.  Use natural and organic practices around your lawn, home, and garden.  Insecticides and weed killers have toxins that damage the nervous systems of tiny creatures.  In a big enough dose, they damage the nervous systems of humans too.  Your garden can be Bee Friendly and beautiful by adding compost, rotating crops, adding friendly microorganisms, growing organic seeds and amending the soil with the right nutrients.

3.  Get your food from a Bee Friendly farm!  There are many farms on Hawaii Island which are growing fruits, nuts, and vegetables in a way that supports the bees and the environment.  This ensures all of us and our children will have nourishing food in years to come.  there are also farms on the mainland which take care to grow their crops in a sustainable way.  Wherever you get your food, you can find out if it was grown in a healthy way.  If it's good for the bees, it's going to be great for us, and future generations.

4.  Keep Honeybees.  If you have the time, and a little bit of money to get started, you can have your own beehive!  Keeping bees takes care and attention,k but it is very rewarding, and comes with sweet treats!  If you're interested in keeping bees, there are many local organizations who can help you get started, and who teach good practices for treating the bees with respect and care.


If it's good for the bees, it's great for us.  If we make the environment healthy for them, we make it healthy for ourselves and all our future generations.  What you choose matters.

You can help the bees, just by taking simple actions in your everyday life.

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